Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Knowing Jet Fighter

As I recall combat aircraft development began in the first world war involving several countries. In the first version of the fighter aircraft and civilian version though still dominated by a piston-type machine that is used to rotate the propeller. These machines are quite popular at that time. Armament was still dominated by weapons with a manual system so that the accuracy of the firing was very low.
ilustration combat aircraft
In addition to being able to move quickly, with a propeller plane can only fly at low altitudes so that presence is easy to know the opponent. Not only that, because the manual guns can also reach the central plane crossing the airspace controlled by the other party. Therefore this technology soon abandoned, especially on the fighter version.
Until now finally getting advanced technology and capable of producing a jet engine that has the power and high performance although somewhat more extravagant. However, since this affair military technology (battle) then wasteful not the proper thing to be considered. Most importantly jet aircraft capable sped through space as to beat the speed of sound and agile maneuverability even more functionality in a duel in the air.
Today's fighter jets able to fly up to an altitude of 40,000 feet above sea level on a practical manual that weapons would not be able to about it while also not easy to know kedatanggannya. In addition it also features a jet fighter weaponry qualified and ejection seat to be used in emergency situations.

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

IFX and KFX fighter jet

Do you know IFX ? In the present war can not be separated from the role of the tools of war that completely digital. One of them is the presence of a jet fighter that has a cruising speed above the speed of sound (supersonic). This type of aircraft equipped with missiles and weapons technology to outwit the other of the opposing party and equipped with bombs and bullets that are controlled by the system.

Ilustration IFX Jets
With regard to this, until now Indonesia not yet have the ability to create your own fighter jet that has a performance as mentioned above. But now in the process of designing fighter jets IFX (indonesian fighter X) is claimed to be more qualified than the F-16 aircraft. This is a collaboration with south korea that began about a year ago.
This major project is projected to be completed around 2020, or about 5 years. Some people might argue that in the (2020) plane with this ability will miss the technology when compared to similar products mainly from the United States and Russia. For the project is considered late from the military strategy.
Indonesia, which has a factory aircraft since the late 70s are not fully utilized to build self-reliance or to occupy the position of a great country. Even the N-250 project also must disappear because of the country's debt to the IMF. Therefore to become an independent state first of all we must let go of dependence on institutions and foreign countries including the one end the foreign debt policy.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Wonders Aircraft

Airbus A380 jumbo jet
Wonders Aircraft - People earlier might not have time to imagine them at a time will be able to traverse the sky at an altitude of up to tens of kilometers from the sea surface. As of the second Islamic scientist named abbas Ibn Firnas conduct a series of flight test in about 1000 years before the Wright brothers were also possibilities were more or less the same study that is to be able to fly.
Currently airplanes become a very popular means of transportation. Communities can visit distant places in a matter of hours. The sky was filled by plane carrying thousands of passengers in every minute. It is unimaginable that we could look at the land looked so small pass through the plane window.
The first plane is circa 2006. I came home from Jakarta to Yogyakarta with airlines that currently defunct, Adam Air. Incidentally I was sitting next to the window so that the beauty of the view from a height of 27 thousand feet can be seen nicely. That first experience flying with a jet. What about your thoughts.
Let's not forget to pray especially when the plane about to take off. As soon as the wheels leave the runway was once at the heart of feeling surprise and fear. Similarly, when the plane touched land at the time of landing.

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Monday, January 12, 2015

Many New Planets Outside Our Solar System

Planets Outside Our Solar System - The universe is a super spacious room that was so breadth, nobody knows its limits. Even thought the blue sky during the day at the time it was actually sunny Just a reflection of sea water looks blue. Almighty God with His creation of this variety.

Virgin Galactic Airplane
Not to mention the recently using GAIA satellite, foreign researchers found a lot of new planets outside the solar system in which we have known before. The number of these findings is expected to continue to grow as the study continued. Possible outcomes of this research will provide new knowledge related to the amount, distribution and variations in the planet.
Large studies of this kind is certainly not just talking numbers, but also spoke of how the specific character of a planet. Thus we get the things that are unique as a characteristic of each particular planet is expected to provide benefits for human life. It will be a study with amazing results.
As previous research, they hoped to find a planet that has the most similar to Earth's character who is still very difficult to find a counterpart. If the planet has been discovered may be used as a good alternative for people staying for just traveled and to live beyond. (written from a source viva dot com).

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Garuda Indonesia accident

Garuda Indonesia accident - A few years ago Garuda Indonesia plane crashed during a commercial flight. It was the night where it looks like the weather is less friendly indeed. Artificial medium sized airplanes Boeing United States was reportedly flies into a cloud, the cloud CB dangerous. Then as in the cloud contains a lot of water, then the aircraft engine was dead.
Garuda Indonesia
The aircraft then attempted immediately landed safely on the runway, but with forced some reason the plane finally landed in the river river solo. Maybe this is a good choice because the land in the water will reduce the impact that the passengers are more likely to be safe.
Sure enough eventually many of the survivors in the incident even though there was a stewardess who dead because reportedly jumping from a height. Maybe it was because it was so panic. Over this incident some people praised the pilot for Garuda Indonesia has taken a decision quickly and accurately with a landing on the river. But most of the other party to blame why the pilot crashed into the cb cloud while many have known that CB cloud is very dangerous to pass.